Instagram: Bc-ey6rg0uc
Jan 29th 2018
True story: I’ve considered studying to be an attorney a few times before, mainly because I’ve always been able to see both sides of the coin, and I’m humane. So I was taken aback a bit when I read about there being a scholarship with Chris’ name on it for anyone studying at UCLA’s school of law (and the first thought that ran through my head was “not school of art?”). I do foresee more kids my age and younger finding out about Chris, though. I was alone in my love of Soundgarden and the Seattle scene in middle school and high school (I could scarcely find people who had even heard of Jimi Hendrix, or Heart, or Nirvana beyond Teen Spirit, just to give an idea), so that gives me hope. All I can say is Merry Chris(t)mas 💜 #chriscornell #soundgarden #downontheupsideera #audioslave #thankyouchriscornell #portraits #watersolublegraphite #artstudent #eventuallyreturningtoschool #howicope #howiheal #healingarts #byhand #nirvhannah #hcnewell