Say Anything… is a 1989 American romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Cameron Crowe in his directorial debut. The film follows the romance between Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack), an average student, and Diane Court (Ione Skye), the valedictorian, immediately after their graduation from high school. The Soundgarden songs “Toy Box” and “Flower” were featured in the film.
Eyes to sun, she lays in peace
Eyes bear complacence
Brown, the meadow grows tall to the sun
Seasons have come, they have gone
Buried in dirt, her torso lays
One limb dangles
Brown, the meadow grows tall to the sun
Seasons have come, they have gone
Please take me back to my healing home
Please take me back to my toy box
Ours not for their own
Please take me back to my healing home
Please take me back to my toy box
Please take me back to my little girl’s hand
Please take me back to my toy box
All of seventeen
Eyes a purple green
Treated like a Queen, she was
On borrowed self esteem
She would do a dance
A painful masquerade
Spinning you into her web
Along her vain parade
In her uniform
Studded brass and steel
Kissing lipstick, napkin stains
And smearing sincerity
Along her vain parade
Along her veins
Time crept up on her
She’s early gray
Her reflection looks concerned
As flowers hit her grave